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The Ministry of Industry and Information ...

In order to promote the high-quality development of the lithium-ion battery industry and promote the collaborative and stable upstream and downstream supply chain of the lithium-ion battery industry, the General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the General Office of the State Administration for Market Regulation jointly issued the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Collaborative and Stable Development of the lithium-ion battery industry chain supply chain" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice") at the end of 2022.

According to the relevant work spirit of the "Notice", on March 24, 2023, China Electronics Technology Standards Research Institute, Jiangxi Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, and the People's Government of Yichun City, Jiangxi Province held a lithium ion battery industry chain supply chain cooperation and docking activity in Yichun City. During this period, the Electronic Information Department organized a symposium on the development policies of the lithium battery industry for relevant enterprises and institutions.

Relevant leaders of the Electronic Information Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology attended the event and delivered speeches, Xia Wenyong, vice governor of Jiangxi Provincial People's Government, Chen Liquan, academician of the CAE Member, etc., and more than 350 representatives of upstream and downstream enterprises, universities and research institutions in the lithium-ion battery industry attended the event.

The relevant person in charge of the Electronic Information Department stated that China's lithium-ion battery industry has adhered to supply side structural reform, continuously improved the supply capacity of advanced products, expanded downstream applications, and made significant progress in industry development. Next, the Electronic Information Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will strengthen industry standardization guidance, accelerate the construction of supporting systems, coordinate and promote the high-quality development of the lithium battery industry, and focus on the following work:

One is to strengthen top-level design. Implement relevant industry development plans and other documents during the 14th Five Year Plan period, coordinate the research and implementation of policies for the development of the lithium battery industry, and promote the high-quality development of new energy storage batteries and key material industries such as lithium batteries, sodium batteries, hydrogen fuel cells, liquid flow batteries, supercapacitors, etc. The second is to promote technological innovation. Deeply implement the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Development of the Energy Electronics Industry, accelerate the integration and innovation of new energy storage products with solar photovoltaic, key information technologies, and key terminal applications. Support key technology breakthroughs and industrialization breakthroughs, and enhance the supply capacity of advanced products. The third is to improve supporting construction. Guide the construction of a lithium-ion battery traceability system and recycling platform, accelerate the formulation of mandatory standards such as "Safety Requirements for Lithium Batteries and Batteries Used in Electric Energy Storage Systems", and release a new version of the "Comprehensive Standardization Technical System for Lithium Ion Batteries".

The Electronic Information Department will promote and interpret the Notice. Guoxuan High Tech, Ganfeng Lithium, BYD, China Chemical and Physical Power Industry Association and other companies shared and exchanged ideas on topics such as strengthening the resilience of the lithium battery industry chain and improving the safety of the supply chain. China Electronics Standardization Institute demonstrated the standardized management of the lithium battery industry and the construction of the traceability public service platform. Lithium battery upstream and downstream backbone enterprises actively respond to the call of the "Notice", jointly maintain the coordinated and healthy development of lithium-ion battery upstream and downstream, establish stable cooperation channels through long-term order supply, product procurement, technical cooperation, and sign cooperation agreements on site.

During the activity, the China Electronics Standardization Institute and the Secretariat of the Working Group on Standards for Lithium Ion Batteries and Similar Products held a working meeting on lithium battery standards to introduce the 2023 standard work plan and promote and implement relevant mandatory standards.

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